Hello, I'm Helena Marsden,

I have drawn as long as I can remember -- ALWAYS! 

I get inspired time after time by animals; their movements and expressions, and people likewise. I also like painting land- and seascapes, which I find pleasantly challengingand satisfying.

I found pastel painting a few years ago.  A friend of mine recommended pastels and once I tried them I felt I had found a new world. I adore pastels, which to me are very flexible and inspiring medium, suitable for both detailed work and large expression. They are definitely an extension to both my hands and my thoughts.

I branched out to felt painting and felt figurines inspired by Artist Heli Laitinen in one of her multiart workshops more recently.  I find felt extremely flexible and pleasing material to work with, very similar to pastels - except at times more painful as felting involves sharp needles... 

I live in Warminster, UK. My family consist of a husband, a daughter, a very loving whippet and two cats. My paintings can be found in private homes in Austria, Canada, Falkland Islands, Finland, Poland, Sweden, United Arab Emirates and in the UK.

I'd be happy to paint something FOR YOU. 



Studying art as part of the teacher training in the University of Jyväskylä under Marjo Autio-Hiltunen, Jussi Heikkilä, Pertti Kalin ja Marja Salmi.


Pasteltechnique at the workshops run by Pastel Artist Nina Squire in Wimborne, UK.


Painting in workshops run by Artists Hannele Haatainen, Heli Laitinen and Susanna Tyrväinen in Finland.


Intermittent workshops run by Pastel Artist Nina Squire in Wimborne, UK and online.


My work will be shown at:


29.4. - 8.5.  Wylie Valley Art Trail - Exhibition, Maiden Bradley,  Wiltshire UK